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Your Technology Safety Tools and Tips


Driving Towards Safety: A Fleet Industry Leader on Embracing Technology in Fleet Management


“I remember my first deposition. There had been a crash at the company where I worked, and a person had lost their life. I never want to go through that again. Any crash is significant. And, in my experience, most crashes are caused by the driver being distracted. When it sadly gets to the point where attorneys are involved, one of the first things a prosecutor will say is: ‘There is technology to avoid this behavior. Why don’t you have it?’ So, how can companies defend themselves? The technology is there – it just has to be implemented.” – Sue Miller, Independent Consultant

Commit to Safety in 2024


Download our 2024 Safety Commitment Card, and make a pledge to put your phone down when you're behind the wheel.

Q&A: Communicating with Professional Drivers about the NOCELL® Platform'


Implementing new technology in the trucking industry can be challenging. However, with clear communication and transparency, your organization’s professional drivers will have peace of mind about how the NOCELL® Platform works and how it can help them safely return home to their families every night. Drivers have questions, and NoCell Technologies has answers.

NoCell Technologies Announces the NOCELL® Driver Advisory Board: Partnering with Professional Drivers to Help End Distracted Driving


NoCell Technologies, the leading supplier of solutions to mitigate the use of cell phones while behind the wheel of commercial vehicles, announced today the establishment of the NOCELL® Driver Advisory Board. The Board is comprised of acclaimed professional drivers who are committed to helping improve safety on our roadways by eliminating distracted driving. This group understands the need for technology solutions for the commercial trucking industry and, as importantly, the essentialness of properly communicating the benefit of technology for the driver. The NOCELL® Driver Advisory Board provides invaluable feedback to the NoCell Technologies team on current technologies and issues with adoption and helps determine the best way to share technology advancements with professional drivers.

Tips for Talking with Your Employees About Distracted Driving


Whether you have a professional driver behind the wheel or an office employee who drivers to work daily, we’re all responsible for staying focused when on the road. Talking with your team about distracted driving is essential to creating a healthy culture. Letting your employees know that you have their best interest in mind helps open lines of communication and drive employee engagement.

Understanding the Legal Consequences of Distracted Driving


While it may seem harmless to glance at a text message or adjust the GPS while driving, the consequences can be devastating. Recognizing the severity of this problem, lawmakers have started implementing stringent measures to curb distracted driving and hold offenders accountable.

Is Your iPhone a Tool or an Anchor?


Knowing your apps are safe and sound and easy to find, and your iPhone is now a tool that contributes to your efficiency, rather than an anchor dragging you down.

New Feature Roll Out: Vehicle and Alert Visibility


Your ability to easily use the NOCELL® Platform to uphold your company’s cell phone policy drives NoCell Technologies to continuously invest resources into developing new features.


To help you clearly identify vehicle and alert information, NOCELL has added two new features.


Six Tips for Talking with Your Teens About Distracted Driving


Summer break means kids are out of school, families are traveling, and our daily routines may be slightly different. It also means more teens on the road.



Stevens Trucking: Case Study


Stevens Trucking has not experienced a single cell phone involved incident over 100 million annual miles by adopting the NOCELL solution for addressing distracted driving.


Distracted Driving and the Cost to Fleets [white paper]


Distracted driving is quickly becoming the most critical safety issue for fleets.


Distracted Driving—A Deadly & Costly Epidemic [white paper]


Cell phone distraction is pervasive, costly & uncontrolled. The challenge—How do you enforce cell phone policies?

Fleet Safety Puzzle [presentation]


Fleet safety management is an ongoing puzzle. There is no one solution to fix all safety issues. You must include multiple pieces of safety technology and processes to complete the puzzle.


Decrease Incidents of Distracted Driving: Tips for Talking to Your Employees


Talking with your team about distracted driving is essential to creating a healthy culture.


NOCELL Distracted Driving Management [product brief]


Enforce your driver safety smartphone policy. Protect your employees, company, and assets.


How to Keep Your Commercial Fleet Drivers Focused on the Road [white paper]


Focus while on the road is increasingly diminishing. Companies need to utilize the tools and technologies available to them to ensure their drivers are safe while still being productive.


Curb Device Distraction [presentation]


Fleet driver risk is at an all-time high! NOCELL’s driver device management DDM enables companies to enforce cell phone policy.




NSRMCA Exclusive Member Offer


Exclusive offer of the NOCELL Solution for NSRMCA members.



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